8 tips to Make Stay at Rehab a Positive Experience
The disease of addiction can affect people from all walks of life, races, cultures and societies. It doesn’t differentiate. While addiction itself is a big trauma, most addicts are afraid to seek help because of the uncertainties about the stay in a rehab and a possible social stigma . But, do not worry as we have some workable tips on how to make your stay at rehab a positive experience.
Overcoming the social stigma
The first and foremost concern of any addict is the idea of social stigma that they are going to face in future incase the society gets to know that they are addicts. This is a genuine concern as it is a rampant perception among many of us that people with substance use disorders are weak minded, and are unworthy of love and compassion. That being understood and taken, it is very important to accept the fact that you are in charge of your life and to rise above the social stigmas to get help that you deserve by joining a rehab.
Since you need to stay in the rehab for a while, packing things that keep you motivated becomes the most important task. Say for example, you may want to pack some pics of the family to hang in the room so you know what you are struggling for. You may also want to carry a journal and a pen to jot down your emotional thoughts as well as keep a track of your progress. Your favourite clothes and toiletries too are important for packing.
Trust the process
Trusting the process is the next most important thing you need to do. Rehabs are made to help addicts detoxify and become real persons again. In the process, you know there will be pain. You know there will be struggle. You need to stay apart from the family. But it’s only till the change starts to set in. Once you feel comfortable with the process, you will start to enjoy your new life and freedom. Till then, you need to trust the process.
We all know that addiction is that disease that has altered the very functionality of your brain and enslaved you to substance of your abuse. De-addiction requires to bring about a drastic change in your lifestyle and a persistent effort to keep yourself away from the substances. Willingness to work for your good is the key determinant on the path to recovery. Without willingness your prognosis could be poor and relapse, a high probability.
Make the best of your time
Rehabs allow you leisure and opportunity to introspect yourself and understand your hobbies and passions. You can make the best of your time at rehabs by designing plans that pave paths to pursue your passions. Also having leisure walks and interacting with your fellow joiners could give you that much needed solace and companionship in the recovery process.
Remember all this is temporary
While sudden lifestyle changes and withdrawal symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and could make it difficult to cope with, remember this is all going to be temporary. The discomfort, the pain, the struggle and the addiction are all going to be temporary.
Find motivation
You may be placed at the best of the rehabs in the world. The rehab may be promising you world class treatment with the best doctors, psychiatrists, staff and all other premium amenities. But the withdrawal symptoms are hard to cope with. Sudden change in lifestyle, losing friends (Friends in abuse), staying away from the family, everything makes it seem impossible to sustain over there. It is very important to find motivation to keep you going. You need to find motivation in the new found purpose of life, in becoming a real person who is able to work and provide for the family, motivation in living life to the fullest and motivation in seeing others overcome the pain and recover successfully.
Last but not the least, patience is the most important trait one needs to have while in the recovery process. The time of recovery differs from individual to individual based on the substance they have abused and other physical parameters that play a vital role in recovery process. Meanwhile, you need to be patient while the medication is helping to heal you physically and emotionally from the trauma of the substance abuse. To understand that it is your own journey and not comparable to others’ is mandatory to reach the point of recovery.
Someone had rightly said that every experience is but a true reflection of one’s attitude and mindset. You get to be in the right place only when you are in the right mindset.