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Mixing Alcohol and Drugs? Double trouble

Mixing Alcohol and Drugs? Double trouble

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that has been historically proven to cause a dependence. Long term alcohol use can have various effects on an individual including but not limited to the following: Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, insomnia, etc.. Cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, strokes and […]

Is mixing Alcohol and Weed dangerous?

Is mixing Alcohol and Weed dangerous?

According to a study conducted, the correlation between alcohol use and weed use was established in the following ways: The study found that the individuals consumed more alcohol when they are high on weed. Individuals that consume alcohol along with weed experience more negative effects that those that consume either one of the other individually. […]

Dangers of an Alcohol Addiction

Dangers of an Alcohol Addiction

What is alcohol addiction? An alcohol addiction or an alcohol use disorder or alcoholism is when someone is no longer able to control their drinking even if it is affecting their relationships, their work and their health. Alcohol addiction is not an uncommon occurrence especially in developed countries and countries like India. Studies conducted in […]

Is your partner or child addicted? Signs and symptoms to watch out for

Is your partner or child addicted? Signs and symptoms to watch out for

Recognising an addiction problem could harder than it seems, especially in someone that you know. However, it is pretty simple to catch, especially if you know the symptoms to watch out for. Addiction is an expensive habit to maintain – it requires time and money. Hence, there can not be an addiction without the telltale […]

The importance of Support System in Recovery

The importance of support system in recovery

Everybody goes through tough times in their lives. Tough times, ups and downs are a part of living. It can give meaning to our lives and can also help build personality. But it is essential that we are surrounded by the right kind of people during these times. Friends and family that will help us […]

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