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Combining Alcohol and Weed to party? Think Twice

‘Green out’ is the name of the unpleasantness that results from the combination of Alcohol and Weed. As common and casual as it may seem the combination can prove deadly for the users right from causing a case of spins, cognitive impairment to nausea, road fatalities and violent behaviour among the users. This combination may not directly lead to major health problems but may result in illnesses and fatalities from behavioural discrepancies.

What Really Happens When You Mix Alcohol and Weed?

These substances have similar effects on the body of the users but work through different mechanisms. Both of them cause sedation, impaired judgment, perceptual effects that include time distortions and even minor hallucinogenic effects, and physiological effects that include reduced reflexes and decreased motor functioning. The combination of alcohol and weed, also called crossfading, can lead to significant issues because the combination creates enhanced effects of both of them. The bad reactions thereby can make a partying night, a nauseated night in. It makes parties messy given the fact that the substances may not have the same effect on every individual. Some may experience many adverse effects that may land them in legal issues.

Types of administration and the factors to consider

This combination is administered in two types i.e Weed before Alcohol and Alcohol before Weed.

Weed before Alcohol

Taking weed before alcohol is understood to reduce the effects of the alcohol. This is actually dangerous because you will never realise when you are actually tipsy due to the impaired judgement. Therefore, paying attention to the amount of alcohol and aiming to drink less than usual may help.

Alcohol before Weed

Taking alcohol before weed can intensify weed’s effects because alcohol enhances the absorption of weed’s main psychoactive ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The resulting stronger high from this combination may be nice for some users but may cause unpleasantness and some symptoms that may be difficult to handle.

These symptoms include

Important side effects of mixing weed and alcohol

Factors that can aggravate the effects of combining alcohol and weed

Risks associated with long-term use

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