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Diseases caused by Addiction

Diseases caused by Addiction

Diseases and addictions go hand-in-hand to a much larger extent than one can imagine. Every kind of addiction has been linked to a disease of one kind or another. In this article, we’ll attempt to create a brief overview of different types of addictions and their consequent diseases.


Alcohol is one addiction that is commonly present throughout the world on a large scale. Easy availability of liquor and affordability is to blame. An alcohol addiction generally begins from a young age, when kids, usually underage try it out of curiosity and end up consuming it regularly if not checked. The major reason for this is the association of alcohol with partying and good times on mass media.

Alcohol addiction may lead to a variety of diseases, this is mainly as alcohol weakens the immune system


Cigarette addiction is the widest and also one of the most harmful addictions in the world. Most people know that smoking causes cancer. But cancer is just the tip of the iceberg as an addiction to smoking causes a lot of other health conditions too. Given below are some of the diseases that smoking leads to.




The above mentioned are but a few examples of the wrath that addiction causes on the human body. Recovery from addictions needs strong determination which becomes tough halfway through the process. Therefore, it is always better to be pro-active than reactive in case of addictions. For help with substance abuse for you or your loved ones, reach us at +91 77999 19293.

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