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Heavy Drinking vs. Binge Drinking

Binge drinking would comprise of four drinks for women and five drinks for men in a two-hour time period. Also binge drinking is defined by SAHMSA as having five pegs or more alcohol on the same occasion at least once in a month. Whereas heavy drinking is a pattern of binge drinking that occurs regularly. Binge drinking turns into heavy drinking if a person binge drinks at least for five or more times in a time period of 30 days.

It is estimated that 9 out of 10 teenagers who consume alcohol binge drink. Among adults, people with high income levels are prone to binge drink. Men binge drink more as compared to women. Nonetheless binge drinking seems to be common across various age groups, genders and income levels.

Heavy drinking is having more than 4 drinks for women and more than 5 drinks for men on a single occasion. And consuming eight drinks or more for women and 15 or more per men in a single week. Heavy drinking leads to chronic ailments including issues with liver, throat, larynx and oesophagus. Also, it could cause high blood pressure. Heavy drinking makes a person vulnerable to psychological disorders and puts him/her at an increased risk for becoming a victim of violence.

The Concern

While binge drinking has become a growing concern, one in two people who drink heavily already have an abuse problem. Both of them could be a part of an alcohol use disorder depending upon the other issues associated with the habit. As Klatsky says “The pattern of when you drink is as important to your health as the total number of drinks”.

Excessive alcohol consumption which is the fourth preventable cause of death contributes to various chronic diseases such as liver disease, pancreatitis, heart stroke, high bp, cancer and immune system dysfunction among others.

Alcohol consumption which starts as binge drinking/occasional drinking among teenagers may transform into heavy drinking very soon. Heavy drinking leads to alcoholism/ addiction leaves both the life of the addict and his/her family in lurch. Addiction is one terrible thing that can happen to anyone from where there is no return.

The main concern about binge drinking or heavy drinking is the metamorphosis it goes through to become an ugly butterfly. We do not say that drinking is a sin but uncontrolled unnecessary drinking brings upon unpleasant consequences.

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