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Long Term Effects of Ganja Addiction

Ganja is one of the commonly used names for Marijuana, Weed or Cannabis. The word Ganja was coined in India and comes from the Sanskrit language. Ganja or Marijuana is a psychoactive drug and is derived from the Cannabis indica or Cannabis sativa plant. It contains THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabino that contributes to the drug’s psychoactive nature. THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabino has therapeutic properties and is prescribed during chemotherapy for reducing vomiting and nausea. It also shown to reduce chronic pain in adults. 

Ganja is also used for recreational purposes but prolonged use can lead to a substance use disorder. Studies indicate that one in three individuals that consume marijuana are dependent on it. Prolonged consumption is also linked to the development of several physical and mental health effects. Let’s review some below:

Brain Development in Young Adults

Studies conducted on teens indicate that consumption of Ganja can impact learning and memory retention. It also negatively effects their impulse control function that can have a cascading effect on their consumption of ganja. Prolonged use is also shown to effect the part of the brain that’s responsible for memory retention (i.e. the hippocampus).  

Mental Health

Ganja or Marijuana use effects cognitive functions and can cause confusion, an inability to focus, impaired memory retention and recall functions and can also reduce reaction time in individuals. It may also trigger psychotic episodes that are characterised by fear, anxiety, paranoia, delusions and hallucinations.

Impact on Lungs

Smoking Ganja can have similar effects on our heart as smoking Tobacco. Ganja contains several dangerous chemicals that can be toxic to our lungs upon prolonged use. Difficulties in breathing and persistent coughs are common health issues in long term smokers of Ganja.

Cardiovascular Health

Consumption of ganja can adversely effect the heart. THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabino that is an active component of Ganja can cause increase in the heart rate and blood pressure. Long-term usage of Ganja can thus lead to irregular heart rate and stroke. Patients with a history of heart illnesses are especially prone to life threatening consequences resulting from ganja consumption.

Can lead to Cancer 

Studies conducted by BMC Cancer has found significant proof that long term use of Ganja or Marijuana can lead to the development of Testicular Germ Cell Tumours or TGCTs.

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