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Stressed and Sober

The major problem with people since a long time has been that they have been associating stress relief with consuming alcohol or other drugs. They consider escaping stress and relieving stress to be one and the same. Rather than addressing and dealing with the source of their stress, they try to evade and avoid it by convincing themselves that they deserve a drink as a reward for feeling stressed. They reward themselves for having a problem rather than facing the problem that they already have.

For the people on the path to recovery from an addiction, times of stress can prove to be a really hard obstacle to overcome. Reaching out for a drink or other drugs seems to be an apt solution for their problem. This is a serious problem because giving in to their addictions and relapsing even for a day will have a major effect on them. That one mistake will dismantle everything that they have worked hard for, up until that point.

There are alternatives and other methods to continue staying sober the way they were up until then:

Associating our habits to sad times and stressful times is very dangerous as this can pave the way to addictions. People begin dealing with their problems through alcohol and other drugs and will never really solve their problem. This way the problems pile up and the habits eventually evolve into an addiction. This can be prevented upon following the above-mentioned steps.

For support and help for combating addictions call us at +91 77999 19293.

call now at +91 77999 19293
Phoenix Rehab is licensed under the Mental Healthcare Act of 2017