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What is Hash Oil and why is it dangerous?

Hash Oil is a potent cannabis concentrate that contains a very high concentration of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) among other cannabinoids.It is usually extracted using a solvent like ethanol or butane. Hash Oil can be vaporised, smoked, ingested or applied on the skin. Hash Oil along with Marijuana are banned in India both for sale and consumption and law enforcement are extremely strict in enforcing the same.

Similar to Marijuana, Hash Oil also gets its psychoactive properties from THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). However, Hash Oil contains upto 5-10 times higher concentrate of THC compared to Cannabis making it much more intoxicating. Since Has oil is many times more potent than Cannibis, it is likely to be more expensive and available in smaller quantities than Cannibis. 

As Hash Oil is a more concentrated form of Marijuana, its applications are likely to be similar to Marijuana. It is used as a recreational drug and for inflammation and pain relief. The side effects caused by Hash Oil are similar to Marijuana but are more severe to the higher potency of Hash Oil. 

Consumption of any drug on a regular basis and for a prolonged period of time builds a tolerance in a user. But the higher concentrate of THC can quickly build tolerance for Marijuana. A user just wouldn’t feel the same high when they Marijuana compared to when they consume Hash Oil thus not only accelerating an addiction but making it more severe.

The side effects of consuming Hash Oil are more severe compared to Marijuana. Some of the side effects include but are not limited to the following:

Hash Oil can also be dangerous due to high levels of chemicals including high concentrates of Vitamin E acetate, butane, fungicides and pesticides. A dangerous mixture of these chemicals lead to lung damage, pneumonia, cancer, among other diseases. 

Vaporising Hash Oil, also known as “Dabbing” can involve the use of a blowtorch that can get risky especially when used by a user who is already under the influence of Hash Oil. The solvents that are used to extract THC from Marijuana are also highly flammable and several fire incidents have also been reported in units that produce Hash Oil.

Marijuana users start at a very young age today due to its perception as a “low-risk” drug and due to its easy availability. But they build a tolerance when they consume Marijuana regularly over a period of time. They then need to consume a larger quantity of the drug to feel high again. It is likely that such users upgrade to the more potent Hash Oil based on suggestions from like-minded friends. Although Hash Oil is much more stronger that Marijuana, it also leads to a more severe addiction with withdrawal that could be more dilapidating. 

Studies indicate the risks are much higher now for young adults. Marijuana and Hash Oil can impact learning and memory retention. It could also affect a young user’s impulse control function and can lower their inhibition. Studies also show that prolonged use effects the hippocampus in young adults which is a part of the brain responsible for memory retention.

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